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Morning Devotions

The most frustrating part about hearing from God is knowing when to move. God often speaks to us in a way that our limited view of time can’t quite comprehend. We ask God for things and expect him to answer in the way we want. But more often than not God uses our Inquiries as a way to help build our faith and trust In him. He sees far beyond what we can and knows everything about our lives. So when we ask him for this and that, or to show us this and that we often limit him to our expectations and our desires. That’s why when we pray we must always ask for his will to be done. The Bible says God works on the good desires of our heart. However, it doesn’t specify when or how, he just will. His timing is the best timing. His move is the best move and until we lay aside our pride and allow him to move when he’s ready we set ourselves up for a world of hurt, disappointment, frustrations, shame, and most unfortunately regret. In those moments of pondering and contemplation we forget what’s most important, Gods ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts. So instead of boggling our minds with what is to come, we should trust in his word and our remind ourselves what God has for me is for me. Gods word cannot return to him void or empty. When he says something that’s it. So no matter how long it takes or how long you have to endure he will come through. He MUST fulfill his words over your life.

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