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Happy Leap Year!

This morning one of my students came in and announced,” HAPPY NEW LEAP DAY!” And I all I could think was to myself was,”Great, Monday.”

With everything that goes on in our crazy world, filled with trouble on every side, racism causing division, poverty destroying communities, the economy on a constant rise and fall, and global warming and climate change threatening life as we know it, it’s sometimes difficult to stop and see all the good that surrounds us. Negativity is thrust at us constantly and if you’re not intentional about staying positive you can get swept away by life’s problems.

So as my student ran in causing a complete disruption to the everyone’s focus, I stopped to take in what she was saying. “HAPPY NEW LEAP DAY,” she continued. I didn’t give much thought to the idea of the significance of today’s date but I stopped amidst the chaos of my morning and realized today really is something to celebrate, something special worth recognizing.

For some, today will be the last time seeing a February 29th, others will celebrate their birthday for the first time in 4 years, but for everyone it’s a day that doesn’t come around everyday, or very often. So what ever you chose to do or not do remember to stop and celebrate life. We often get swept away by life’s daily ins and outs that many things go overlooked and unappreciated. But knowing that I won’t see this day again for another 4 years makes it special and makes its worth acknowledging and celebrating. Life is too short not enjoy. So on days like these it feels almost criminal not to stop and do something to create a lasting memory.

MY DIRECTIVE: Take a leap and do something you’ve never done with people you’ll never forget.  

Check of this fun video about all the things that have happened on February 29th throughout history! 🙂

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